Monday, June 29, 2009

Journal Entries # 2

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

My fisrt week at MCL was fine. I'm a bit nervous at my fisrtweek and my blockmates was the best!!!! their all kind and cooperative and the professors are kind too before the week end I notice that i need more attention in studying

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

All of my professors were kind but some of them were scary haha!!!!
And they teach very well

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

I think my blockmates was the best. Were all cooperative and we always want to have fun especially in VALUES EDUCATION (haha)

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

I think all of my courses are HARD but i think the easy one is DRAW because i really like drawing. I think the challenging courses are the SOC SCI and HUM

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics,
emotions, and social environment.

I think i really nee to pt more attention in studying and i need to be more friendly...

Journal Entries # 1

1) How does Values Education work to your advantage

It realy works on my advantage because it's a big help on building my character
and it's really easy though xD and Values Education really helps me to be a GOOD PERSON

2) After you have processed your first experience in MCL, in what way this will help you achieve a successfull adjustment in college??

I notice that college life is really different than high school it's really hard i really noticed that i need to pay attention in my courses